Bali, Ubud, Exterior Cremation Day Parade at Monkey Forest, Whistles, Children Run and Yell, Positive Crowd Reactions and Applause, Percussions Music and Musicians Pass by, People Walla and Sirens in Distance, Traffic Re-Start Motorcycles, Cars Pass by
Bali, Ubud, Exterior Cremation Day Ceremony at Monkey Forest, Visitors Waiting at Main Entrance, People Talking, Conversation Voices, Tropical Birds, Motorcycle Traffic, Bells, Flutes, Horns, Whistles - Version 1 of 2
Bali, Ubud, Exterior Cremation Day Ceremony at Monkey Forest, Visitors Waiting at Main Entrance, Closer Perspective, People talking, Conversation and Laughter Voices, Crickets in background, Footsteps on Dirt, Bottles and Plastic Bags Movements, Motorcycle Traffic, Bells, Horns, Whistles - Version 2 of 2
Bali, Ubud, Exterior Cremation Day Ceremony at Monkey Forest, Parade Pass by 3 Times, Percussions Music and Musicians Pass by, Close Whistling and People Yelling and Horns
Bali, Ubud, Exterior Cremation Day Ceremony at Monkey Forest, Close POV Crowd Voices, Bottles and Movements, Tropical Birds, Continuous Percussions Music
Edmonton, Alberta, Francophone Centre, Interior Crowd French and English Voices, Close Shot POV, Male and Female Mixed Voices Yells Laughs Claps and Movements - Version 1 of 3
Edmonton, Alberta, Francophone Centre, Interior Crowd French and English Voices, Long Shot POV, Male and Female Mixed Voices, Rolling Case Movement, Children Yelling and Crying - Version 3 of 3