Exterior Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan, Traveling POV, Crowd Tourism Area People Madarin Chinese and English Mix Voices, Pop and Traditional Music, Vehicles Idle Go Away and Passing by, Food Services and Human Activities
This bundle contains
For an optimal experience we highly recommend using headphones for listening to your binaural ambiences sounds
Exterior Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan, Traveling POV, Crowd Tourism Area with Vendors, People Madarin Chinese and English Mix Voices, Cars Doors with Motorcycles Passing by
This bundle contains
For an optimal experience we highly recommend using headphones for listening to your binaural ambiences sounds
Interior, Quebec, Gare du Palais Train Station, Waiting Area Ventilation System Rumble, People French Walla Voices and Footsteps on Terrazzo Floor, Wheeled Luggage Passing by, Woman Voice in French and English Over PA Announcements, Faint Music in Distant Background