The library encompasses 315 sounds of cracklings, frictions, impacts, and squashes. Part of the sounds were recorded in the field, on thin ice layers recovering lakes. Part were thoroughly recorded in studio. Also the debris sounds have a particularly interesting sonic texture due to the process of slightly melting and freezing again, which gives them this special crispy crusty quality.
Textures & Tensions
These unique focused sounds have been edited meticulously making them easier to integrate in any audiovisual project or interactive program. The rare distinctive quality of these recordings also allows them to be a base for any sound experimentation through a creative process; and can be layered with other sounds or treated in order to produce interesting sound design. All in all, these brittle coarse sounds constitute a practical pool for sound designing. A must-have for ice fractures, frictions, fissures, and tensions.
Exterior, Old Quebec, Quebec, Winter February Afternoon, Dufferin Terrasse, Footsteps Passing by in Crispy Snow in Foreground, City Traffic Rumble with People Walla Voice and Yells in Background
Exterior, Old Quebec, Quebec, Winter February Afternoon, Dufferin Terrasse, Running and Normal Footsteps Passing by in Crispy Snow with People Ethnic Voices and Walla in Foreground, Birds Chirping with City Traffic Rumble in Distant Background
Exterior, Old Quebec Petit Seminaire, Quebec, Winter February Evening, City Street Rumble Parking POV, Slam Car Doors Start Idle then Slow Acceleration Tires Rolling in Crispy Snow and Going Away on Wet Pavement