Exterior Nominingue Lake, Quebec, Summer July Day Close Perspective, Lake Water Lapping Gurgling Bubbling on Beach with Some Boat Rumble in Distant Background
Exterior Nominingue Lake, Quebec, Summer July Day Medium Perspective, Lake Water Lapping Gurgling Bubbling on Beach with Winds Through Trees Leaves in Background
Exterior Laverendry Park, Quebec, Spring May Afternoon Close Perspective, Lake Water Lapping on Rocks Girgling and Bubbling with Church One Bell Rings - 3 Times with some Motor Boat in Distant Background
Exterior Close Perspective Marina POV, Water Lapping Gurgling Bubbling in Foreground, Yacht Inboard Motor Start Idle Slow Acceleration, Speed up and Go away
Exterior, LaSalle Quarter, Montreal, Summer September, City Park Near Saint Lawrence River and Lachine Rapids, Water Lapping, Birds - Canada Goose Honks, City Traffic River and Rapids Rumble in Background
Exterior Attersee Lake, Austria, Spring May Evening, Lakeside Water Lapping with Rowboat and Oars Slow Passing by Right-Left, Birds Chirping and People German Walla Voices, Motorcycle Revs at End of Track