- 0:00
Montreal, St-Michel Quarter, Exterior Evening April 2th, Three Airplanes Jet and One Airplane Props Passing Overhead in Foreground, Ambience with Seagulls and City Rumble Between Aircrafts PassageThis bundle contains
- Zip file contains MS and decoded STEREO
- 0:00
Montreal, St-Michel Quarter Spring April 9th, City Rumble, Birds American Robin and Seagulls Calling, People Voices in Background, Footsteps Passing by in Foreground, Two Airplanes Jet Passing OverheadThis bundle contains
- Zip file contains MS and decoded STEREO
- 0:00
Montreal, St-Michel Quarter Spring April 9th, City Rumble, Windy Day, Birds, Seagull Calling, Impact in Background, Airplane Jet Passing OverheadThis bundle contains
- Zip file contains MS and decoded STEREO
- 0:00
Montreal, St-Michel Quarter Spring April 16th, City Rumble, Children Playing in Distance, Reverberant Environment, Birds Seagulls, Airplane Jet Passing Overhead, Footsteps and Door Close in ForegroundThis bundle contains
- Zip file contains MS and decoded STEREO
- 0:00
Montreal, St-Michel Quarter Spring April 16th, City Rumble, Birds Seagulls, Traffic Pass by in Background, Footsteps on Dirt Medium PerspectiveThis bundle contains
- Zip file contains MS and decoded STEREO
- 0:00
Montreal, St-Michel Quarter Spring April 16th, Airplane Rumble Birds and People Voices in Background, Footsteps on Dirt Passing by in Foreground, Traffic Pass by in Medium PerspectiveThis bundle contains
- Zip file contains MS and decoded STEREO
- 0:00
Exterior, Winter January Evening, Old Quebec, Quebec, Sidewalk People Multiple Languages Voices and Footsteps in Slush Passing by, Street Vehicles Pass by in Slush with Car Doors Close- 0:00
Exterior, City Street Chinatown, New-York, USA, Traffic Rumble Passing by with Horn Honks, Human Activities, Crowd Multiple Languages Voices and High-Heels Footsteps on Sidewalk Traveling- 0:00
Interior, City New-York, USA, Subway Platform People Multiple Languages Walla Voices Waiting for Train, Electronic Beep Optical Turnstile in Background