Exterior, Mount Royal Cemetery Park, Summer September NICE TRACK Afternoon 16:30hrs, Insects Cicadas with Birds Chirping - American Crow - American Kestrel, Vehicles Passing by Car Door Closing Nissan Versa Start Motor Slow Acceleration Wheels Brake Squeals Slow Passing by Close on Gravels and Away, Airplane Props Passing Overhead, Oak Acorns Falls to the Ground, City Rumble in Distant Background - Time Lapse 1 of 2
Exterior, Mount Royal Cemetery Park, Summer September NICE TRACK Afternoon 16:30hrs, Birds Chirping - American Crow - American Kestrel, Oak Acorns Falls to the Ground, Airplane Props Passing Overhead, City Rumble in Distant Background - Time Lapse 2 of 2
Exterior, South Part of Lac des Castors, Mount Royal, Montreal, Summer Septembe Evening 18:00hrs, People French English Ethnic Voices and Laugh, Seagulls Scream and Squawk, Oak Acorns Falls to the Ground, City Rumble with Vehicles Passing by in Distant Background - Time Lapse 1 of 2
Exterior, South Part of Lac des Castors, Mount Royal, Montreal, Summer Septembe Evening 18:00hrs, Asian Children Find Oak Acorns on Ground, People English Ethnic Voices and Laugh, Seagulls Scream and Squawk, Oak Acorns Falls to the Ground, City Rumble with Vehicles Passing by in Distant Background - Time Lapse 2 of 2