Exterior, Saint-Adolphe-d'Howard, Summer September Morning 7:30hrs, Country Birds Chirping - Black-capped Chickadees - Red-breasted Nuthatch, Winds Through Trees Leaves and Chipmunk, Road Traffic Rumble in Distant Background
Exterior, Val-David, Country Field and Road, Summer September Afternoon 13:00hrs, Medium Perspective, Insects Crickets Grasshoppers with Flies Buzzing by in Foreground, Birds Chirping - Black-caped Chickkadees - Red-breasted Nuthatch, Construction and Walla Voices in Distant Background
Exterior, Sainte-Marguerite Lake, Summer September NICE TRACK Evening 17:00hrs, Insects Crickets Cicada Flies Buzzing by and Birds Chirping Ducks - Black-caped Chickadees - Blue Jay - Red-breasted Nuthatch, Vehicles Passing by with Circular Saw Construction in Background
Exterior, St-Joseph's Oratory, Cote-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-grace Quarter, Montreal, Summer September Morning 8:15hrs, Garden Birds - Red-breasted Nuthatch, All Terrain Vehicle (ATV4x4) Slow Passing by with Some Walla Voices, City Traffic Rumble in Distant Background
Exterior, St-Joseph's Oratory, Cote-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-grace Quarter, Montreal, Summer September Noon, Garden Birds - Red-Breasted Nuthatch, Water Drain Fountain Gurgling, Winds Through Trees Leaves, People Walla Voices Airplane Props Overhead, City Traffic Rumble in Background