Exterior Cap Breton, Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada, Autumn October Morning, Sea Waves Rolling on Rocky Beach with Underneath Rocks Holes Bass Impacts - Time Lapse 1 of 2
Exterior Cap Breton, Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada, Autumn October Morning, Sea Waves Rolling on Rocky Beach with Underneath Rocks Holes Bass Impacts - Time Lapse 2 of 2
Exterior Cap Breton, Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada, Autumn October Morning, Sea Waves Crashing on Rocky Beach with Gurgling Bubbling and Underneath Rocks Holes Bass Impacts
Exterior Gaspe, Quebec, Sea Waves Rolling on Rocky Beach in Distance, Seagulls Scream and Squawk, Fishing Boat Motor Rumble then Shut Off, People French Walla Voices and Walkie-Talkie or CB (Citizen's Band) Communications