Inboard Vilnius, Lithuania, Trolleybus Ride Slow Down and Stop Open Door Female Voice in Lithuanian Over PA Announcement, with People Getting Inside, Child Chant and Speak, Idle Trolleybus
Inboard Vilnius, Lithuania, Trolleybus Ride, NICE TRACK Warning Signal and Closing Door, Accelerations and Decelerations, Stop Open Door Female Voice in Lithuanian Over PA Announcement, Warning Signal and Closing Door and Ride Again Some people Walla Voices in Lithuanian, Get off Trolleybus with Exterior Rumble and Trolleybus Going Away
Exterior Vienna, Austria, Spring May Afternoon, NICE TRACK Intersection Light Control Traffic, People German Voices, Cars Trolleybus with Streetcars Warning Bell Ring and Pass by to Left or Right, Another Streetcar Coming in with Brakes Squeal and Stop then Go Away Left with City Rumble in Background