Exterior, Spring March Afternoon, Guil Valley, Mont-Dauphin, France, Winds Blowing Through Mountains Valley, Birds Chirping and Fly Buzzing by in Foreground, Road Excavation Machinery Work in Background
Exterior, Spring March Morning, Guil Valley, Mont-Dauphin, France, Winds Blowing Through Mountains Valley, Birds Chirping, Airplane Jet Overhead, Human Activities, Traffic Rumble In Distant Background
Exterior, Spring March Afternoon, Guil Valley, Mont-Dauphin, France, Birds Chirping, Airplane Single Prop Overhead Maneuvers, Village Clock Bell in Background
Exterior, Spring March Morning, Mont-Dauphin, France, Country Valley, Winds Blowing Through Field in Foreground, One Vehicle Passing by Close R-L and Away, Metal Impacts and Traffic Rumble in Distant Background
Exterior, Spring March Afternoon, Mont-Dauphin, France, Country Valley, Birds Chirping, Winds Blowing Through Field in Foreground, Roads Traffic Rumble Passing by in Background