USA, New York, 8h30 Subway Train, Inboard, Start Accelerate Continuous Rolling Slow Down and Stop - 2 Times, Few People Voices, Metal Rails and Wheels Creaking, PA Announcement with Alarms Bell - 3 Times
USA, New York, Subway Train, Inboard, Between Queens and Manhattan, Lot of People Inside, Metal Rails and Wheels Creaking, Continuous Rolling Slow Down and Stop Open Doors PA Announcement Door Close with Small Alarm Bell - 2 Consecutive Versions - More Voices at End of Track
USA, New York, Subway Train, Inboard, Between Queens and Manhattan, Anybody in the Wagon Train, Interior Movements with Wheels and Wagon Creakings, Acceleration Deceleration, Arrive in Station at End of Track
Mother with Baby in Stoller, Sounds of Wheels, Footsteps and Movements from Close Perspective, Baby Babbling and Mother Talking to Baby, Voices in Finnish, People in Background
Montreal - Canada Exterior Railroad Crossing Alarm Bell in Distant Perspective, Electric Train Bell Arrival and Stop with Wheels Squeaking at Train Station
Exterior Timisoara Romania, Street Tram Metal Wheels Coming in with Bell Ring then Passing by and Go Away - Right to Left with City Traffic Rumble in Background