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SC500 331 Public library ambience STEREO

Sherbrooke, QC, March 3rd – Public library ambience, speaking french, kids talking louder, book scanning beeps, clothes rustling, constant air vent rumble on the left

SC500 329 Multi-storey parking ambience reverberant concrete interior STEREO

Las Vegas, NV, November 26th – Multi-storey parking ambience, reverberant concrete interior, brakes squeaks, metal bumps, car door, elevator beeps, air vent noise, car engine, people speaking english, background traffic rumble and music

SC901 37 Ambience Maple farm water drops with human activities far away Version 03 STEREO

Exterior Sugar Shack Close Perspective POV, Maple Water Drops in Metal Can with Shovel Breaking Ice in Distant Background

SC901 38 Ambience Maple farm water drops less human activities far away Version 04 STEREO

Exterior Sugar Shack Close Perspective POV, Maple Water Drops in Metal Can with Some Children Playing and Traffic Rumble in Distant Background

SC901 36 Ambience Maple farm water drops with human activities far away Version 02 STEREO

Exterior Sugar Shack Medium Perspective POV, Maple Water Drops in Metal Can with Children Playing and Lest Traffic Rumble in Background

SC901 35 Ambience Maple farm water drops with human activities far away Version 01 STEREO

Exterior Sugar Shack Medium Perspective POV, Maple Water Drops in Metal Can with Children Playing and Traffic Rumble in Background

SC901 19 Ambience ferry engine dockers car STEREO

Exterior Docking Maneuvers, Motors Throttle Down to Stop, Boarding Ramps Banging, Cars Driving Off with Metallic Clunks on Bys

SC903 52 Ambience City STEREO

Exterior City Traffic, Airplane Props Passing Overhead, Traffic Passing in Distant Background

SC902 07 Ambience beach waves STEREO

Waves on Beach, some birds far away, small waves mid-close, pretty calm

SC900 06 Ambience Childreen Playing City MONO

Childreen Playing in Alleyway, Ball Dribbling with Mixed Voices in French English Languages, Some Yelling and City Traffic Rumble