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SC600 175 Quebec Country Ambience Evening Birds Frogs MS

Quebec – Country Evening Spring End of April, Birds and Frogs

SC600 173 France Marseille Old City Ambience MS

France, Marseille – Old City, Birds and Children Playing, Some Traffic Passing by with Church Bell Ringing, People Voices in French, Faint Music in Background

SC600 168 France Marseille Harbour Quarter Ambience Birds People Voices MS

France, Marseille – Harbour Quarter in a Reverberant Environment, Moped, Seagull Dog and Birds, Door Impacts, People Voices in French, Music in Distant Background

SC600 159 Morocco Country Ambience People Voices Spade Digging MS

Morocco, Casablanca – Exterior Country People Voices in Arabic, Metal Spad Digging, Birds Cow Mooing in Distant Background

SC600 130 Israel Hassid Quarter Jerusalem Ambience MS

Israel, Jerusalem – Hassid Quarter, Exterior Street Cars Passing by with some Horns, Tourists Tour and Guide Voice, Birds and Footsteps in Background

Africa • Uganda COLLECTION

Africa Uganda is a collection of various ambient sounds and the day-to-day goings of its locals. Nature is ever present in the recordings from the jungle and in the unique African savannas. Recorded far from bustling touristic areas, this collection presents Ugandan life in towns & villages and the ambience of schools, markets, hospitals and police… Read more »

Europe • Austria COLLECTION

Europe Austria is a delightful collection of ambiences from parks, gardens and boulevards where you can hear trams, pedestrians and even horses.Away from the tourist areas, it features Austrian life in cafés and terraces, murmurings in museums and the chirping of birds in the countryside.Recorded during the spring season in the regions of Vienna, Purkersdort… Read more »

Finland • Public Libraries COLLECTION

Finland Public Libraries is a collection of ambiences and room tones from public libraries. In Finland, public libraries are sanctuaries for reading & learning, spaces for public discussion, and areas for children to play. They encourage resting and eating, and include coffee shops, co-working spaces, multimedia access, 3D printers, and more. A vibrant way of life… Read more »

SC500 129 Crowded hotel dining room speaking french STEREO

Orford, QC, March 4th – Crowded hotel dining room, speaking french, footsteps, laughing, utensils and dishes, background music ambience

SC030 090 Elevator Inboard Ride bells Doors Open Close STEREO

Interior Hotel Dieu Hospital 2nd Floor De Bullion Pavilion, Montreal, Elevator Inboard Ride with Some bells Ringing, Open Doors, Ambience of Floor, Closing Doors and Elevator Movements, People French Voices Enters Inside at End Of Track