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SC028 58 Montreal BANQ Library Entrance Hall General Rumble MS

Montreal, Grande Bibliotheque Library, Reverberant Entrance Hall, General Ambience, Can Hear All Around, Footsteps, Voices, Impacts, Movements, Camera Click, Security High Pitched Alarm, Doors and Traffic from Outside in Background

Search – STAGING

SOUNDCHICK SFX is a sound library for professionals. Thousands of hours of professionally recorded and mastered ambiences, sound and music FX to search from

SC027 88 Montreal Courtyard Alarm High Tone Alarm Bell From Apartment Complex MS

Ambience, Alarm – Montreal, St-Michel Quarter, May 12th, Exterior Day Courtyard Medium Perspective, Continuous High Tone Alarm with Intermittent Alarm Bell from Apartment Building, Doors Close, People, Voices in French, Children Playing Soccer, Fire Truck Arrives with Horn and Siren at End of Track

SC027 87 Montreal Courtyard Alarm High Tone From Apartment Complex MS

Ambience, Alarm – Montreal, St-Michel Quarter, May 12th, Exterior Day Courtyard Medium Perspective, Continuous High Tone Alarm from Apartment Building, People Voices, Children Playing Soccer, Traffic Rumble

SC027 58 Montreal 4Airplanes Passing Seagulls Scream In Between MS

Montreal, St-Michel Quarter, Exterior Evening April 2th, Three Airplanes Jet and One Airplane Props Passing Overhead in Foreground, Ambience with Seagulls and City Rumble Between Aircrafts Passage

SC027 12 Montreal Exterior Blustery Winds Leaves Trees City Traffic MS

Montreal, St-Michel Quarter, Exterior Day September 5th, Wind Through Trees, Rustling Leaves, City Traffic, People Voices, Ambience from Exterior POV with Sound of Grandfather Clock Chiming as Heard Through Opened Window of Apartment Block, Westminster Chime in Background at End of Track

SC026 96 Montreal Exterior Children Play Airplane Props Passing Over Head MS

Montreal, St-Michel Quarter, Exterior Day September 12th, Children Play, Daytime Ambience from Exterior POV with sounds of Dishes as Heard Through Opened Window of Apartment Block, Airplane Props Passing Overhead, City Rumble in Background

SC027 25 Montreal Exterior Supper Time MS

Montreal, St-Michel Quarter, Early Evening Ambience from Exterior POV while Family Group Eating Meal with Sounds of Dishes and Utensils Heard Through Opened Windows of Apartment Block, Indistinct Voices in Background at the Beginning, City Rumble, one Impact at End of Track

SC023 66 Thailand Bangkok Chiang Mai Temple Gong STEREO

Ambience, Bell – Thailand, Bangkok, Exterior Chiang Mai Buddhism Temple, Tropical Birds, Traffic, Distant Walla Voices, Close Gong Hit

Advent calendar STAGING

SoundChick wants to thank our beloved customers with an Advent Calendar of sound! During the event, 25 sounds and ambiences are available free of charge! There’s a new gift every day! But hurry, you have a limited time to claim your daily reward. P.S. You can also unpack the gifts of the last 8 days! Hurry! SoundChick… Read more »