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SC004 28 Uganda Zoo General People Talking Hammering Generator Rumble MONO

Uganda, Zoo Tropical Birds, General Ambience with People Talking, Hammering and Generator Rumble in Background

SC600 395 Newfoundland Interior Post Office Open Door Squeaks Exterior Blowing Winds MS

Newfoundland – Interior Post Office, Open Door Squeaks with Exterior Blowing Winds Ambience

SC600 116 Ecuador Jungle Monkeys Tropical Birds Insects Flies MONO

Ecuador – Jungle Ambience, Monkeys, Tropical Birds, Insects, Flies


ambience : atmosphere : background consists of the sounds of a given location or space. It is the opposite of “silence”. This term is often confused with presence. Every location has distinct and subtle sounds created by its environment. These sound sources can include wildlife, wind, music, rain, running water, thunder, rustling leaves, distant traffic,… Read more »


SOUNDCHICK SFX is a sound library for professionals. Thousands of hours of professionally recorded and mastered ambiences, sound and music FX to search from