SOUNDCHICK SFX is a professional online independent sound library, featuring high-quality ambiences sound effects and musics FX from Canadian sound field recordists.
SOUNDCHICK SFX is for sound professionals who want to create rich and unique soundscapes. Ideal solutions for freelancers, companies, schools, and beyond.
Our clients are sound editors, sound designers, video & film editors, artists from film, television, documentary, theater, radio, games, web, VR, schools, and global media production companies. As varied as creation can be !
Mélanie Gauthier first thought of sharing her sounds while on her first trip to Asia in 1999 where she start to collect amazing ambiences. Since then, Mélanie continued to capture miles of soundscape as a sound field recordist for documentary and personals projects.
Now surrounded with collaborators, her dream of making a Collective of Sounds Lovers is finally coming to fruition. The Collective Project started with her friend, the experienced sound designer Claude Langlois in 2014. Claude listened to all of Mélanie’s sounds and started describing each ambience, spanning from 1999 to today. Then Vital Millette joined the team and provided us with invaluable advice… and lyricism. Cyril Bourseaux, Jocelyn Lauzon (L’Oiseau son), David Elias, Simon Goulet, Philippe Scultety, Sylvain L’Espérance, Marie-Claude Gagné, Serge Beauchemin … joined SOUNDCHICK LIBRARY as sound field recordists, sound designers and foley artists and shared their sounds.
The audio voice watermark is created by the artist Brigitte Saint Aubin.
A special thanks goes to our ambassador Hugo Chevrette (CEV). And to François Vincelette to follow the adventure with his faithful love.
Design: Maître D
Web Development: Reactif
Translation: Magenta Baribeau & Eva Dawson
Communications: L’Allumoir (Nadia Roy)
TO PREVIEW use the search engine bar on the welcome page and type the keyword you want. It’s also possible to show all the library by just leave the cursor in the search space and clic Go! A list of the clips sounds founded appears and just click play to listen them. You can add sounds to a wish list (star icon) or directly to the basket (cart icon).
When you proceed to checkout you still have possibility to listen your selection. You can search for sounds via the search bar at the welcome page, browse by category or browse by keyword.
Once you find a sound you like, click the basket icon to the right of the waveform preview.
When you are ready to proceed to checkout, just click on the upper-right corner on the basket icon and follow the instructions to create your account.
It’s time to use your coupon code !
Before you place order, be sure you accept our Termes & Conditions by checking the box.
The page order-received appear and you can download directly your sound.
All the files you dowload come as broadcast-quality WAVE files embedded with metadata for pinpoint searches.
24-bit / 48 kHz / 96 kHz / 192 kHz formats.
The file you listening on the website is a compress mp3 version at 128 kbits. Created for a quick playback and is embedded by a Audio Watermark to prevent the copy or illegal use.
An audio watermark is a unique electronic identifier embedded in an audio signal, typically used to identify ownership of copyright. It is similar to a watermark on a photograph. Be sure in the SC SFX Library you only hear the watermark in the mp3 audio file you are listening to during your search. The wave file you download is in high resolution and ready to use without audio watermarking. This is only a protection to avoid copying.
No but if you are interested to be part of the SC Collective Project contact us.
We are pleased to share the SOUNDCHICK LIBRARY success !
Click on MY ACCOUNT in the menu bar and you can find all the “Orders” and “Downloads” you did. And re-download sounds from there if you want.
Yes absolutely 100% Royalty Free
With highest quality & selection continually Updated
You can use them in any commercial or non-commercial application (movies, music, theater, video games, etc.)
You cannot re-sell these sounds – but only as a part of your music, film, website, installation, etc.
Attribution (credit) is optional but really appreciated !
All sound from SC library are licensed to a single person exclusively. Whenever there is more than one user (in your company) that needs access to the sounds, then a multi-user license will be required. However, currently I don´t offer dedicated multi-user licenses but if you feel in the need to obtain such a license please get in touch with us.
Let me know what you are searching !
It is possible that I have what you are looking for and if not I know where you are heading to find quickly.
Click on MY ACCOUNT in the menu bar and on the left you choose “Account details”.
Click on Lost my password ?
And enter your username or email address. You will receive a link to create a new password via email.
Click on MY ACCOUNT in the menu bar and on the left you choose “Account details”.
You can change your password.
To get your receipt you have to sign in and click on MY ACCOUNT in the menu bar.
On the left ou choose “Orders”.
The list of all your orders appear and you choose the one you want by clicking on VIEW button.
Your invoice appears on the screen and you can print it.