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Pricing structure

Yau can browse and preview all our audio files for free. The general price is set at 5 USD per sound file before taxes + 1 USD for each additional minute after 6 minutes (based on the clip length) some selected sounds may be more expensive due to their exclusivity. No monthly and annually plan for the moment.

Some collections are also available in PACK format .zip
Prices range from $15 to $49.
Type COLLECTION in the search bar.

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More details about our sounds

    • All SCSFX audio file are Royalty Free and ready to use after you accept the licence.
      You can not resell or distribute or copy the sounds.
    • All SCSFX audio files are delivered in broadcast WAVE uncompress format.
    • The files you listen to are compressed in mp3 format to 128 kbits.
    • An audio watermark is embedded in the mp3 as a copyright
      (no worries the WAVE audio file you download is clean)
    • No mastering or filter were done to our recordings so you can be completely creative.
    • Full Soundminer® metadatas are included in each audio file.
      Only the basic information is shown to help you in your research.
    • Each MS sound file comes with its decoded stereo version in .zip



Did you know that the platform has been designed for smart phones and tablets so you can browse, search and listen to our sound files wherever you are?