- 0:00
Interior Hotel Dieu Hospital De Bullion Pavilion, Montreal, Staircase Metal Doors Security Push Bar Lock Open and Close - 5 Times, in a reverberant Environment- 0:00
Interior Hotel Dieu Hospital 2nd Floor Le Royer Pavilion, Montreal, Staircase NICE TRACK Metal Door Security Push Bar Lock Open and Close - 6 Times, in a reverberant Environment- 0:00
Inboard Short Sherpa Twin-Engine Turboprops, Seat Belt Alarm Signal, Start First Engine, Seat Belt Lock Click, Start Second Engine, Propellers Acceleration and Taxi on Runway then Fast Acceleration Takeoff and Fly to is Altitude and Maintain- 0:00
Interior, Old Quebec, Quebec, Winter February Afternoon, Funicular Cabin Inboard Ride, Closing Door and Lock, Start Going Down and Rolling on Cable, Cabin Rumble with Impacts then Arriving, Unlock and Open Door Bell Rings 2 Times Going OutCategory
96kHz / 24Bit- 0:00
Interior, Old Quebec, Quebec, Winter February Afternoon, Funicular Cabin Inboard Ride, Get Inside Door Close and Lock, Start Going Up and Rolling on Cable, Cabin Rumble with Impacts and Creaking, Metal Switching Slowdown then Stop, Unlock Open Door Bell Rings 2 TimesCategory
96kHz / 24Bit- 0:00
Montreal - School Interior Corridor and Lockers, Teenagers Mixed Voices in English, Close Lock and Unlock Door Locker- 0:00
Interior Corridor with Light Buzz and Wood Shop Hammering, in Foreground Man Locking Metal Door and Go Away Footsteps then in Distant Open and Close DoorCategory
48kHz / 24Bit- 0:00
Inboard Ride, Dodge Ram 1500 Utility Truck, Shifting Acceleration Automatic Doors Lock, Speed 50 kph on Country Road- 0:00
Inboard Ride, Dodge Ram 1500 Utility Truck, Acceleration with Automatic Doors Lock Gears Shifting Speed 50 kph on Village Road Deceleration Flasher Ticking Stop Idle then Acceleration with Cabin Impacts from Bumping Bridge, Flasher Ticking and Slowdown