Crane Carrier Self-propelled Summer July, Exterior Forward Approach Slowdown Air Release Idle and Slow Acceleration Away with People French Walla Voices in Distant Foreground
Montreal, Manifestation Protesters of all Ages Taking to the Streets in Montreal to Protest, Walla, People passing by, Voices in French, Percussions in a distance, Siren from a megaphone, Foghorn, Whistles, Shouts
Montreal, Manifestation Protesters of all Ages Taking to the Streets in Montreal to Protest, Walla, Percussions and Foghorns far, Helicopter, Crowd chanting slogan and yelling, Voices in French, Trumpets, Horns
Montreal, Manifestation Protesters of all Ages Taking to the Streets in Montreal to Protest, Small group at the front chanting slogan in French, Walla, Whistles and percussions far, Some voices close, Shouts, Trumpets
Montreal, Manifestation Protesters of all Ages Taking to the Streets in Montreal to Protest, Percussions, Crowd yelling and chanting, Whistles, Trumpets, Walla, Getting closer, Clapping Hands, Shouts, French voices