Exterior Prague, Czech Republic, Spring June, Tunnel or Overpass Rumble in a Reverberant Environment, People Walla Voices with Pigeon Flying by and Impact, Clock 4 High Note Bell Rings then 6 Bass Note Bell Rings, Birds Chirping in Distant Background
Exterior Podebrady, Czech Republic, Spring June Day, City Traffic Rumble with Children Voices Playing and Yell, Birds Chirping Footsteps and City Clock Bell Ring 3 Times at End of Track
Exterior Czech Republic, Spring June Morning, Garden Birds Chirping in Foreground, People Czech Walla Voices and City Traffic Rumble in Distant Background
Exterior Czech Republic, Spring June Morning, Garden Birds Chirping in Medium Perspective, Start a Slow Sound Travelling to a Brook Bubbling and Gurgling at a Very Close POV with People Czech Walla Voices then Sound Zoom Out the Brook so we can Understand People Czech Voices