Quebec, Quebec Airport, Exterior POV, Airplane Propeller, Water Bomber CL215 Taxi Movements on Tarmac than Shut Down Motors, Another One Taxi in Background Slowly Coming in, Pass by Stop Idle and Shut Down Engines, PA Announcement - in French, Water Bomber CL215 Pass Over Head
Early Morning From Hotel Window, Ventilaton Noise and Rumble, Birds, Roosters, Dogs, People movements and Voices, More birds Crows at the end of track and one Bird Flying Away
Morning From Hotel Window, Water Dripping Off Roofs, Crows and other Birds, Horn at beginning of track, Children Voices, Water Tap Open and close, Some Music from Radio in background, Motorcycle Pass by, Small Bell Ringing and Dog Barking, Plastic Bucket Movements in Foreground and People Voices