Exterior, Pointe-Saint-Charles Quarter, Montreal, Autumn October Morning 9:30hrs, City Alleyway Birds Chirping - House Sparrow, Neighbour Activities Inside is Apartment, Construction Site in Distance, Vehicle and Motorcycle Bass Rumble Passing by, City Rumble in Background - Time Lapse 2 of 2
Exterior, Pointe-Saint-Charles Quarter, Montreal, Autumn October Morning 9:30hrs, City Alleyway Birds Chirping - House Sparrow, Airplane Props Overhead, Construction Site in Distance, Trucks Passing by, Neighbour Tide up Utensils and Plates, City Rumble in Background - Time Lapse 1 of 2
Exterior, Pointe-Saint-Charles Quarter, Montreal, Autumn October NICE TRACK for Birds Morning 9:20hrs, City Alleyway Birds Chirping - House Sparrow - Black-caped Chicadee, in a Reverberant Environment - Time Lapse 2 of 2
Exterior, Pointe-Saint-Charles Quarter, Montreal, Autumn October Morning 9:20hrs, City Alleyway Birds Chirping - House Sparrow - Black-caped Chicadee, Traffic Rumble with Vehicle Backward Beeps Warning Signals, Man English and French Voices on is Cellphone, Metalic Fence Door Open Close - Time Lapse 1 of 2
Exterior, Pointe-Saint-Charles Quarter, Montreal, Autumn October Morning 9:10hrs, City Alleyway Birds Chirping - House Sparrow - Black-caped Chicadee - American Crow, Woman Cough, Construction Pile Driver and Emergency Siren In Distant Background
Exterior, Pointe-Saint-Charles Quarter, Montreal, Autumn October Morning 9:00hrs, City Alleyway Birds Chirping - House Sparrow - Black-caped Chicadee - American Crow, Construction Pile Driver Impacts,Truck Approach Passing by Close, Traffic Rumble in Background - Time Lapse 2 of 2
Exterior, Pointe-Saint-Charles Quarter, Montreal, Autumn October Morning 9:00hrs, City Alleyway Birds Chirping - House Sparrow - Black-caped Chicadee - American Crow, Metalic Fence Door Closing, Child Yelling, Traffic Rumble in Background - Time Lapse 1 of 2
Exterior, Pointe-Saint-Charles Quarter, Montreal, Autumn October Morning 8:50hrs, Medium Perspective, City Alleyway Birds Chirping - House Sparrow, People Walla Voices, Traffic Rumble in Background
Exterior, Pointe-Saint-Charles Quarter, Montreal, Autumn October Morning 8:40hrs, Distant Perspective, City Alleyway Birds Chirping - House Sparrow - American Crow, Human Activities and Children Walla Voices
Exterior, Pointe-Saint-Charles Quarter, Montreal, Autumn October Morning 8:30hrs, City Alleyway Birds Chirping - House Sparrow - American Crow, Continuous Factory Rumble, People Walla Voices Human Activities and Child Walla, Traffic Passing by in Medium Perspective, Street Sweepers Passing by at End of Track