Montreal, St-Michel Quarter, Exterior Winter December 19th, General Snow Removal Operations, Wheel Loader with Bucket Attachment, Reverse with Back-up Alarm Beeping, Clearing Snow from Parking Lot, Some Scraping Sound, City Traffic and People, Voices in Background
Montreal, St-Michel Quarter, Exterior Winter December 19th, Snow Removal Operations in Background, Wheel Loader with Back-up Alarm Beeping, Tow Truck Warning Siren, City Rumble
Exterior Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Autum November, Distant Perspective, Construction Site, Excavation Machinery, Back up Warning Beeps Signals with Children Playing in Distant Background
This bundle contains
Zip Files contains 2 differents recording QUAD and MS/STEREO formats
Exterior Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Autum November, Medium Perspective, Construction Site, Excavation Machinery, Back up Warning Beeps Signals, Traffic Passing by and Truck Air Release
This bundle contains
Zip Files contains 2 differents recording QUAD and MS/STEREO formats
Exterior Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Autum November, Distant Perspective, Children French Walla Voices Playing in a Reverberant Environment, Construction Site Machinery with Back up Warning Beeps Signals and City Traffic Passing by in Distant Background
This bundle contains
Zip Files contains 2 differents recording QUAD and MS/STEREO formats
Exterior Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Autum November, Distant Perspective, Children French Walla Voices Playing and Yelling in a Reverberant Environment, Construction Site Machinery with Back up Warning Beeps Signals, City Traffic Passing by with One Car Rev and Fast Acceleration, Special Metal Grinding on Concrete Sound Rhythm, Emergency Vehicle Siren at End of Track
This bundle contains
Zip Files contains 2 differents recording QUAD and MS/STEREO formats
Interior From Next Door Summer, Convenience Store Men in French Walla Voices Sorted Bottles then Truck Start Idle and Backup Away with Beeps Warning Signals, Some Traffic in Background
Electric Dryer Distant Perspective, Running then Stop - 3 Times - Open Door Removing Dry Clothes and Add Wet Clothes, Closing Door and Restart Electric Dryer, Automatic Stop with Alarm Bell Warning and Open Door at End of Track
Exterior Ste-Helene Island, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Summer August Close Perspective, Winds Moving Big Leaves with Car Passing by and Truck Backup Warning Signals in Background
Exterior Habitat 67, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Summer August, Highway Vehicles Passing by in Foreground, Construction with Jackhammer Excavator and Truck Backup Warning Signals in Distant Background