Montreal, QC, Park Pierre-Bernard, Children Play Medium Shot POV, Male and Female French Mixed Voices, Swings Squeaking Back and Forth, Woman High Heels Footsteps Passing by in Foreground, City Traffic Rumble in Background
Montreal, QC, Park Pierre-Bernard, Man Medium Shot POV, English Man Talking to his Child and Clapping his Hands, Children Playing and City Traffic Rumble in Background
Montreal, QC, Park Pierre-Bernard, Children Long Shot POV, Traffic Passing by, French Girls and Boys Mixed Voices Playing and Yelling in a Reverberant Environment, Small Dog Barking at End of Track
Montreal, St-Michel Quarter, Exterior House May 30th, Birds, Wind in trees, People Activity From Neighboring Houses, French Voices and Children Playing in Background, Aircraft Jets Passing in Distant Background, Truck Motorcyle Passing by and Hammering in Medium Distant - Version 1 of 3
Montreal, St-Michel Quarter, Exterior House May 30th, Birds, Wind in trees, Horn, Voices of Teenagers, Creole Speaking and Group Passing by with Music, Some Vehicles Pass by, Hammering and City Rumble in Distant Background - Version 2 of 3
Montreal, St-Michel Quarter, Exterior House May 30th, Aircraft Jet Passing Low Overhead for Landing Approach, Children Playing in a Reverberant Environment - Version 3 of 3