Montreal, St-Michel Quarter, Exterior House May 30th, Birds, Wind in trees, People Activity From Neighboring Houses, French Voices and Children Playing in Background, Aircraft Jets Passing in Distant Background, Truck Motorcyle Passing by and Hammering in Medium Distant - Version 1 of 3
Exterior Montreal, Summer August Distant Perspective, City Rumble Quarter Atmosphere Birds Chirping Children Playing Vehicles Passing by Discreet Train Horn and Bell Ring
Exterior Montreal, Summer August Distant Perspective, City Rumble Quarter Atmosphere Children Playing Traffic Passing by with Squirrel Chirping in Foreground
Exterior, Summer September Night, NICE TRACK Neighbourhood, Continuous Air-conditioning System, Rain on Car Top in Foreground, Insects Crickets Chirping with Some Car Passing by and Dog Barking in Medium Perspective, Thunder Rumble in Distant Background