- 0:00
India, Udaipur City Morning, Tropical Birds, Dogs and Small BellThis bundle contains
- Zip file contains MS and decoded STEREO
- 0:00
Guatemala, Village, Worker's Quarter Activity, Afternoon, Truck Horns Very Long Approach in the Village, Roosters Crowing, Tropical Birds, Insects, People Spanish Voices, Footsteps, Children Playing Yelling Crying, Donkey Braying, Dog Barking, Closer Truck Horn, Truck Stops Idles Accelerates Passes by With Horn Blasts, Stops Idles and Drives Away- 0:00
Guatemala, 15h Exterior House, Tropical Birds, Insects, People Spanish Voices and Activity Movements, Generator Start, Dog Barking, Rooster Crowing, Airplane Pass by- 0:00
Guatemala, Night, Witchcraft Ritual Incantation, People Voices Clapping and Chanting, Children Playing, some Yelling, Crickets and Other Insects, Dogs Barking- 0:00
Guatemala, Forest, Village, 6h Morning, Tropical Birds, Insects, Mosquitoes, Flies Buzz by, Many Dogs Barking, Firecrakers Explosions Trying to Scare Dogs, Airplane Jet Passing Overhead, Long Fly By, Roosters Crowing and Motorcycle in Background, Faint Radio Music at the End of Track- 0:00
Guatemala, Morning Village, Continuous Radio Voices and Music, Tropical Birds, Insects, Rooster Crowing, Generator Starting, Truck Arrives, Long Approach with Horn Slows Down Stops Idles Accelerates and away, Children Talking Spanish, Airplane Props Passes Overhead, Long Fly By, Close Dogs Barking at End of Track- 0:00
Guatemala, Village, Foreground Close Continuous Radio Voices and Music - In Background Insects, Tropical Birds, Wings Flapping, Shovel Hitting Ground Many Times, Dog Barking, Turn on Tap, Water Running, Turn Off Tap- 0:00
Montreal, St-Michel Quarter, May 12th, Exterior Evening Apartment Building, Courtyard Reverberant Environment, Medium Perspective, People, Voices in French, Airplane Props Passing in Background, Door Close, Smoke Detector Alarm Beeping and Stop from inside Apartment, Many Footsteps on Concrete and Gravels as People Exiting Building, Dog Barking in ForegroundThis bundle contains
- Zip file contains MS and decoded STEREO
- 0:00
Montreal North Exterior September 26th, Medium City Traffic Pass by, Car door Closing, Teenagers with Skateboard, Voices and Yells, Sound of Wheels Spin, Small Dog Barks Once, Close Perspective