USA, New York, Manhattan, Union Square, Exterior Street, Pedestrians Voices and Footsteps, Emergency Vehicles with Sirens, Traffic Pass by, Truck Backup Signal, Horns, Construction in Background with Jackhammer
Construction, Closer Perspective POV, Power Shovel Digging and Loading Dirt into Dump Truck, Stop Working, Idle and Shut Off Engine, City Rumble, Workers' Voices in French, Door Open and Close with some Impacts
Construction, Cement Truck Start Motor and Move Forward, Air Brakes, Engine Acceleration with Fast Drum Rotation and Washing Concrete Chute After a Pour with Spraying Hose, Shut Off Engine, Water Dripping, City Traffic Passing by and Workers' Voices in French
Construction, Gas Motor Cut-off Saw Some Accelerations then Cutting Metal and Stop Engine, Traffic Passing by, Workers' Voices in French, Alarm Sounding Followed by Start Engine Of Power Shovel, Close Perspective then Pull Away into Distance and Start Working