Exterior, Summer July Evening, Quebec, Western Festival, Horses Pulling Competition, Draft Horses Pull Stone-Boat, Woman French Voice Over PA Annouce Reactions and Comments
Exterior, Summer July Evening, Quebec, Western Festival, Bleachers POV, Horses Pulling Competition, Draft Horses Pull Stone-Boat, People French Walla Voices, Woman French Voice Over PA Annouce Reactions and Comments
Exterior, Summer August Afternoon, Quebec, Western Festival, Rodeo Camp and Manege, Horses Whynnying, People French Walla Voices, Vehicle Start, Faint Music in Distant Background
Exterior, Summer August Afternoon, Quebec, Western Festival, Manege Riders and Horses Warm-up, Horses Whynnying and Snorting, People French Walla Voices
Exterior, Summer August Afternoon, Quebec, Western Festival, Rodeo Camp Dogs Barking Horses Snorting and Whinnying, People French Walla Voices and Human Activities, All Terrain Vehicle (ATV4x4) Approach Passing by Close on Gravels Road with Maneuvers on Site
Exterior, Summer August Afternoon, Quebec, Western Festival, Manege Warm-up Riders with Horses Snorting and Trotting, People French and English Walla Voices
Exterior, Summer August Afternoon, Quebec, Western Festival, Rodeo Camp People French Walla Voices, First Horse Slow Passing by, Second Horse Whinnying Start Galloping and Passing by R-L, Dog Squealing, Site Activities Rumble in Background
Exterior, Summer August Afternoon, Quebec, Western Festival, Rodeo Camp People French Walla Voices Human Activities with Metal Fences Assembling in Foreground, Vehicles Maneuvers in Background