USA, New York, 8h30 Subway Train, Inboard, Start Accelerate Continuous Rolling Slow Down and Stop - 2 Times, Few People Voices, Metal Rails and Wheels Creaking, PA Announcement with Alarms Bell - 3 Times
USA, New York, 8h30 Subway Train, Inboard, Doors POV, Open Doors PA Announcement Door Close with Small Alarm Bell, Start Accelerate Slow Down and Stop, Open Doors PA Announcement Door Close with Small Alarm Bell, Another Train Going Out of Station at The Same Time
USA, New York, Little India - Queens Station - Street St Fisk Avenue - Car Alarm and Stop, Traffic Pass by, People Voices, Train Arrival in Station, PA Annoucement and Small Alarm Bell, Train Doors
USA, New York, Subway Train, Inboard, Between Queens and Manhattan, Lot of People Inside, Metal Rails and Wheels Creaking, Continuous Rolling Slow Down and Stop Open Doors PA Announcement Door Close with Small Alarm Bell - 2 Consecutive Versions - More Voices at End of Track
USA, New York, Subway Train, Inboard, Between Queens and Manhattan, Less People, Close Woman Cell Phone Conversation, PA Announcement and Small Alarm Bell at End of Track
USA, New York, Subway Train, Inboard, Between Queens and Manhattan, Anybody in the Wagon Train, Interior Movements with Wheels and Wagon Creakings, Acceleration Deceleration, Arrive in Station at End of Track
USA, New York, Grand Central Station Platform POV, Arriving and Depart of Subway Trains, PA Annoucements, Few Peope Voices, Walkie Talkie Communications Voices more at the last part of the Track