Interior Miami Beach Motel, Miami, Florida, USA, Night Airplane Jet Landing, Man and Woman Sleeping with Breathing and Some Snoring, Some Vehicles Passing by on Wet Pavement - Time Lapse 1 of 2
Interior Miami Beach Motel, Miami, Florida, USA, Man and Woman Sleeping with Breathing and Some Snoring, Sheet Movements, Many Vehicles Passing by on Wet Pavement with People Walla Voices in Background - Time Lapse 2 of 2
Beaver's nocturnal activities on a lake and in the woods. Breaths, grunts and tail slaps very close to the microphones. Common Loons calls in the distance. Grasshoppers stridulation in the background. Very distant airplane.
Exterior Rabbit Island, Cambodia, Winter, Water Lapping Waves, Traveling Footsteps on Shore and Human Breathing, Tropical Birds and Insects Chirping with Some Chicken Cluck and People Walla Voices in Distant Background
This bundle contains
For an optimal experience we highly recommend using headphones for listening to your binaural ambiences sounds
Exterior Engouement, Senegal, Night Village Traveling POV, Footsteps and Breathing with Many Stop and Restart Walking, Insects Chirping, People Wolof and French Mix Walla Voices, Television Passing by, Vehicle Closing Doors, Pots and Pans Movements and Impacts, Open and Close Water Tap, sHuman Sing and Whistling at End of Track
This bundle contains
For an optimal experience we highly recommend using headphones for listening to your binaural ambiences sounds
Exterior Taroko, Taiwan, Gorge National Park, Tropical Birds and Insects Chirping, Continuous Water Brook, Traveling POV Footsteps and Breaths, Trail on Roadside with Vehicles Passing by, People Mandarin Chinese Voices, Children Running and Laughing, Trucks Arrival Doors Close, Women Chorus Voices Singing in Background, Vehicle Sliding Door Close at End of Track
This bundle contains
For an optimal experience we highly recommend using headphones for listening to your binaural ambiences sounds