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Advent calendar

SoundChick wants to thank our beloved customers with an Advent Calendar of sound! During the event, 25 sounds and ambiences are offered to you for free! There’s a new gift every day! But hurry, you have a limited time to claim your daily reward. P.S. You can also unpack the gifts of the last 8… Read more »

SC904 31 Ice Car Racing Engines Roaring Pass by Much Longer MONO

Winter Ice Car Racing Engines Roaring and Pass by, End of the Race with Some Crowd Ambience in Distant Background – Much Longer Track

SC900 44 Mouse Version 02 MONO

Mouse, Baby Mouse Squeals with Some Flies Around and Country Ambience – Version 2 of 2

SC021 03 Singapore Subway On Board Wagon Station MS

Singapore, Subway, Inboard Subway Car, Train in Movement, Women Talking, Close Voices, Deceleration One Beep Alarm, Voice Communication for ‘Station’ 2 Times, Stop, Doors Open, People Getting Of Train, Station Platform POV, Subway Train Pass by and Away, Ambience and Traffic

SC023 23 Laos Buddist Monks Percussions STEREO

Laos, Interior Room, Group of Percussions Playing, Drums and Cymbals, At the End of Music Can Hear Ambience with Insects Roosters Crowing Tropical Birds in Distant Background

SC023 12 Vietnam Hanoi Traditional Solo Instruments STEREO

Vietnam, Hanoi, Bamboo Bar, Traditional Solo Instruments, Nice Ambience with Adults and Children, Mixed Voices in Between Each Musical Piece

SC022 23 Bali Tirta Gangga Open Close Wood Doors 2 Times STEREO

Bali, Tirta Gangga, Open and Close Wood First Door Night Ambience with Crickets, Insects, Geko Lezard – Second Door Morning Ambience

SC022 11 Java Island Volcano Summet Kawah Ijen Air Silence STEREO

Java Island, Quiet Ambience at the Crater Edge of Volcano Kawah Ijen, Light Breeze, Almost Air Tone or Dead Calm

SC021 99 Bali Ubud Entrance POV Night Rain STEREO

Bali, Ubud, Bungalow Entrance POV February, Exterior, Rainy Night Ambience, Water Dripping and Splattering on Various Surfaces, Traffic in Distant Background, Insects, Geko Lezards, Few Tropical Birds

SC021 97 Bali Ubud Kitchen POV Backyard Afternoon Quiet Rain STEREO

Bali, Ubud, Bungalow Kitchen POV February, Exterior Backyard, Quiet Afternoon Ambience, Light Rain, Distant Tropical Birds and Rooster Crowing, no Wind