Montreal, St-Michel Quarter Spring April 9th, City Rumble, Plastic Bag Movements, Children Playing in Background, Seagulls Calling in Foreground, Telephone Rings Male and Female Discussing in Spanish Language From a Short Distance Apartment
Exterior Ste-Helene Island, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Summer August Distant Perspective, Seagull and Cicadas Chirping, Tourists People English Spanish French Walla Voices with Bus Starting and Idle at End of Track
Exterior Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Autumn November, Close to Medium Perspective, St-Luc Schoolyard with Teenagers Boys and Girls, Multiethnic Voices and Yells, Footsteps on Gravels Passing by in Foreground, Seagulls Chirping in Distant Background - Version 2 of 2
Exterior, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Winter March Afternoon, Saint Laurent Boulevard Footsteps on Slush and Sand Sidewalk, People French English Italian Walla Voices Passing by, Vehicles Idle Pass by Horn Honk, Seagull Scream at End of Track
Exterior, Summer September Evening, Place Jacques Cartier, Old Montreal, Distant POV, Crowd Tourists Walla Voices with Music Rumble in Background, Seagulls Scream at End of Track
Exterior Perce, Quebec, Canada, Seagulls Scream and Squawk Close Perspective, Sea Waves Gurgling on Harbour with Some Walla Voices in Distant Backgroud
Exterior Contrecoeur, Quebec, Spring June, St-Lawrence River Water Lapping on Shore Close Perspective with Bulk Carrier Boat Slow Passing by in Distance, some Seagull Scream and a Dog Barking